FAQ  >  Data

DAT 00026

Question: Does the non-shopping, hourly load data provided on the Information Website include or exclude PIPP load?

Answer: Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) data are not part of the non-shopping hourly load data posted on the Information Website. PIPP data are provided separately on the Website and can be obtained from the file, “PIPP Customer Data”.

DAT 00028

Question: Are the values posted to the Information Website in the file "Capacity and Transmission PLC.xls", equal to the Obligation Peak Load or is the Obligation Peak Load a function of the PLC values and the Daily Zonal Scaling Factor?

Answer: The Obligation Peak load is a function of the Peak Load Contribution (PLC) values and the Daily Zonal Scaling Factor.

DAT 00029

Question: Can FE provide auction winners with access to instantaneous, real-time load information? This would help winners mitigate real-time risk. Before auctions became the standard format to serve load in Ohio, utilities were able to get the hourly, real-time load information which they could use to hedge exposure in the real-time market. Is this something FE could provide to the winners, rather than having a day or two lag on load data?

Answer: No. The FirstEnergy Ohio utilities do not have access to real-time data of the Standard Service Offer (SSO) obligation.

DAT 00031

Question: Are the data included in the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities' Historical Hourly Loads by Class files included on the Information Website presented in Eastern Standard Time?

Answer: No. The data are in Eastern Prevailing Time.

DAT 00033

Question: In the "Capacity and Transmission PLC" data file, does the "RES Shopped" column on the Capacity PLS tab include the PIPP load?

Answer: No. The Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) load is shown on its own tab.

DAT 00034

Question: In the "Capacity and Transmission PLC" data file, the Grand Total column is the Total FE Load PLC. Can you provide the corresponding UCAP for the Total FE Load?

Answer: No. The data needed to make calculations of this type are publicly available. The Final Zonal RPM Scaling Factors and the Forecast Pool Requirement can be found on the PJM Website. The Daily Zonal Scaling Factors are posted with the load and other data on this Information Website.

DAT 00035

Question: As a follow-up to DAT 00033, is the Grand Total column on the Capacity PLS tab not inclusive of PIPP?  The PLS data for the entire FE Ohio footprint would be the sum of the PIPP Capacity PLS tab and the Grand Total column of the Capacity PLS tab?

Answer: That is correct. The Grand Total column does not include Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP).

DAT 00037

Question: The hourly load on the Auction Information Website states that Economic Load Response (ELR) load has been removed from the non-shopping load as of 1/1/2015. Has the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) load also been removed from the non-shopping load?

Answer: The PIPP load is not included in the non-shopping load data.  See FAQs DAT 00026, DAT 00033, and DAT 00035.

DAT 00041

Question: Is the ELR customer data based on customers currently participating in the ELR Program or customers that are eligible to participate in the ELR Program? If not all the ELR eligible customers are participating in the ELR Program, can you please provide a breakdown of a) customers eligible to participate in ELR but choosing to switch to a CRES supplier, b) customers eligible to participate in ELR but choosing to stay on SSO service without participating in the ELR program, and c) customers eligible to participate in ELR and choosing to do so (and by definition remaining on SSO service)?

Answer: The requested ELR breakdown is not available. ELR customers can choose to shop or not. Therefore, ELR customer data is reflected in both the shop/non-shop categories in their respective class in the posted Hourly Load files.

DAT 00042

Question: This question uses historical data from January 1, 2014 hour ending 1. Total MW = 5,331 Shopping MW = 4,342 Non-Shopping MW = 988 UFE MW = 570 PIPP MW = 227 Derate factor = 0.0209 Tranche Size = 1% A) Does the percentage of Unaccounted for Energy (UFE) that SSO Suppliers are responsible for include PIPP Load? In other words, is it equal to 18.5% (988 divided by 5,331) or 17.8% (988 divided by the sum of 5,331 and 227)? Or is it some other number? B) If a SSO Supplier was supplying load for this hour would it be responsible for 10.71 MW [(988 + 0.185 * 570) * (1 - 0.0209)] * 0.01 or 10.67MW [(988 + 0.178 * 570) * (1 - 0.0209)] * 0.01? Or is it some other number?

Answer: A) The percentage used to calculate what UFE that SSO Suppliers are responsible for is the same percentage used to calculate what UFE PIPP suppliers are responsible for. The latter formula would apply, which equals 17.8% when using your rounded numbers.

B) 10.67MW. In addition to providing the UFE for an hour, we also provide the UFE factor, which for January 1, 2014 HE 1 is 1.1025 [(5,331+570+227)/(5,331+227)]. Another way to write the expression using the UFE factor would be [(988*1.1025)*(1-0.0209)]*0.01 when using your rounded numbers.

DAT 00044

Question: Can you provide information on government/municipal aggregations in the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities’ service territories?

Answer: The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio post information regarding governmental aggregation at the following link: http://www.energychoice.ohio.gov/Pages/What%20is%20Aggregation.aspx

DAT 00048

Question: The PLC projections provided for the January 2019 auction suggested that PLCs would decrease for the residential and commercial classes in the new planning year. The observed PLC decrease between 5/31/19 and 6/1/19 was much different than the projections provided. Can FEOU describe what caused these differences?

Answer: After the PY19/20 estimate was provided in January, several residential and commercial customers moved out between January and May 2019.  Per guidelines provided in FE's Capacity Manual, new customers that moved in were assigned default PY19/20 PLC values respective to their profile in place of the previously calculated PY19/20 PLC values.  In aggregate for the residential and commercial classes, assigned PY19/20 PLC defaults were higher than the previously calculated PY19/20 PLC values which is driving the difference from the estimate provided in January.  However, aggregate PY19/20 PLC values are lower than the PY18/19 PLC values in these two classes.

DAT 00049

Question: Does the utility plan on updating the load and PLC data on the website before the upcoming RFP with settled July load data?

Answer: The Ohio load data reports will be posted with the most recent data which will include the July 2020 reconciliation (secondary) information, on October 1, 2020.

DAT 00050

Question: Can the FEOU provide details regarding when the customer counts are taken? For example, is it a snapshot taken at the beginning of the month, end of the month, or is an average across all days in the month used?

Answer: The customer counts within the Historical Customer Switching report, are obtained at the end of the most recent month.

DAT 00053

Question: We noticed in the most recent data file uploaded to the website that the PLC for the Industrial customers on SSO has increased from 59 MW on November 1st, 2021 to 226 MW as of January 31st, 2022, a nearly 400% increase in under three months. We do not see a similar increase in the customer count for this same period. Can you confirm this data is correct, and if so, possibly provide some more information on this sudden, large uptick?

Answer: Within FEOU capacity information, the non-shopping Industrial increased and the shopping Industrial decreased due to several Toledo Edison customers moving from shopping to non-shopping. The shift of customers is reflected within the Customer Switching report for the December 2020 and January 2021 time frame.

DAT 00054

Question: Regarding DAT00053, I would like to confirm that 'several Toledo Edison customers switched from shopping to non-shopping in Jan '22, and those switches from shopping to non-shopping explain the increase in PLCs and load for shopping industrial customers.

Answer: This statement is correct.

DAT 00055

Question: Can FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities please provide load and PLC data for the NOPEC aggregation and expected date for the NOPEC aggregation to return to Standard Offer Service? In addition, can the Company please provide a full dataset for government aggregations?

Answer: The FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities (“FEOU”) have requested this data from NOPEC, but at the time of this FAQ we do not have the data yet. Once the data is available we will post it to our load data area on this site. Additionally, FEOU does not have load information segregated by government aggregation thus this dataset is not available.

DAT 00056

Question: Does the decline in CEI non-shopped industrial load from 6/30/22 HE 24 to 7/1 HE 1 indicate customers returning to shopped status? What limits exist for industrial customer switching? For example, when could the Toledo Edison customers referenced in DAT 00053 switch back?

Answer: The decline in CEI non-shopped industrial load from 6/30/2022 to 7/1/2022 is due to a large industrial customer significantly dropping load during the month of July. Within Ohio, a customer can choose to change suppliers anytime, but the timing of the switch must be consistent with the terms of the utility’s approved tariffs.

DAT 00057

Question: Can the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities (“FEOU”) provide an update on the status of NOPEC customer switching back to Standard Service Offer (“SSO”) and whether any load data is available for these customers?

Answer: FEOU requested hourly load data for the returning customers from NOPEC and NextEra. The data was received by FEOU and made available on October 3, 2022 and is located on the FEOU CBP SSO Auctions Load and Other Data here. Prior to receiving the data from NOPEC and NextEra, to help inform SSO suppliers, FEOU performed its own load calculations, which are posted on the FEOU CBP SSO Auctions Load and Other Data page here. Without actual load data from NOPEC and NextEra at the time of the forecast, the forecast assumed NOPEC customers’ load usage behaves similarly as other residential and commercial customers for usage profiling purposes.

DAT 00058

Question: Are the ~ 30,000 drops you're processing each day are meters, or customers?

Answer: The drops are quantified by customer. NOPEC customers returning to SSO are residential and small commercial customers, and generally the ratio of these customers to meters is 1:1. However, there may be some exceptions where the customer could have multiple meters.

DAT 00059

Question: For the NOPEC customers coming back to non-shopping, there is no minimum term they are on default service, correct?

Answer: Correct. There is no minimum stay requirement.

DAT 00060

Question: When you next update your data to include October, would you please let us know what % of the NOPEC adds are in the data?

Answer: FEOU does not track returning customers separately from existing SSO load and is accordingly not able to report the % of load that results from NOPEC adds or drops.

DAT 00061

Question: Can you please update the PIPP datasets on the auction website to include information through November, consistent with the SSO data you have provided.

Answer: The PIPP Hourly Load report is updated monthly with the next update to be completed February 2023. The PIPP Customer Count report will also be updated and posted within the existing Ohio Shopping Statistics report as a new tab, with the February 2023 update.

DAT 00062

Question: Wondering if you have available historical load data prior to 2017 (to the earliest period that you have).

Answer: Per Section 4.1.1 of the Bidding Rules for the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities’ CBP Auctions, the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities will provide the most recent three years of data to the CBP website. Data prior to 2019 will not be posted.

DAT 00063

Question: Could FEOU provide any historical data (Load / PLC/ NSPL tags / Customer Counts / PIPP data/ UFE/ Deration factor etc.) historical data and files prior to 2019?

Answer: Per Section 4.1.1 of the Bidding Rules for the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities’ CBP Auctions, the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities will provide the most recent three years of data to the CBP website. Data prior to 2019 will not be posted.

DAT 00064

Question: Would it be possible for the utility to provide historical data for FEOH beginning 1/1/2010 or a start date that predates the current 1/1/2019 start date in the data room. Historical data extending further out, would help us submit a more accurate price during the auction.

Answer: Per Section 4.1.1 of the Bidding Rules for the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities’ CBP Auctions, the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities will provide the most recent three years of data to the CBP website. Data prior to 2019 will not be posted.

DAT 00065

Question: Can FEOH provide a list of municipal/government aggregation customer counts with usage broken out by customer class, year and month?

Answer: FEOU is able to provide the following: For January 2023 there were 448,505 residential customers and 40,595 non-residential customers served through municipal/government aggregation. Total MWh served in both classes were 420,544.57 and 91,034.88 respectively.

DAT 00066

Question: We noticed a considerable drop in Default Service PLC starting from March 1st, 2023 as we are serving the load. We are wondering if this migration is happening as a result of customers are returning to NOPEC or any other retailer. We appreciate your comments and explanation regarding this recent significant migration.

Answer: The change in PLC on 3/1/2023 is associated with several large customers moving from SSO service to competitive retail electric suppliers.

FAQs Disclaimer

The information presented and distributed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may be subject to modifications and/or amendments and is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided in the CBP, or on the CBP Information Website, has been prepared to assist bidders in evaluating the CBP. It does not purport to contain all the information that may be relevant to a bidder in satisfying its due diligence efforts. Neither FirstEnergy Corp., the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities nor the CBP Manager make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, and shall not, either individually or as a corporation, be liable for any representation expressed or implied in the CBP or any omissions from the CBP, or any information provided to a bidder by any other source. A bidder should check the CBP Information Website frequently to ensure it has the latest documentation and information. Neither the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities, nor the CBP Manager, nor any of their representatives, shall be liable to a bidder or any of its representatives for any consequences relating to or arising from the bidder’s use of outdated information. The information is not intended to form any part of the basis of any investment decision, valuation or any bid that may be submitted during the CBP process. Each recipient should not rely solely on this information and should make its own independent assessment of the potential value to supply the FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities' load after making all investigations it deems necessary.

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